In order to obtain unbiased results of target gene expression, selection of the most appropriate reference gene (RG) remains a key precondition. However, an experimental study focused on the validation of stably expressed RGs in the rat spinal cord (SC) during development or after spinal cord injury (SCI) is missing. In our study, we tested the stability of the expression of nine selected RGs in rat SC tissue during normal development (postnatal days 1–43, adulthood) and after minimal (mSCI) and contusion (cSCI) spinal cord injury. The following RGs were tested: common housekeeping genes of basal cell metabolism (Gapdh, Hprt1, Mapk6) and protein translation (Rpl29, Eef1a1, Eif2b2), as well as newly designed RGs (Gpatch1, Gorasp1, Cds2) selected according to the RefGenes tool of GeneVestigator. The stability of RGs was assessed by geNorm, NormFinder, and BestKeeper. All three applets favored Gapdh and Eef1a1 as the most stable genes in SC during development. In both models of SCI, Eif2b2 displayed the highest stability of expression, followed by Gapdh and Gorasp1/Hprt1 in cSCI, and Gapdh and Eef1a1 in the mSCI experiments. To verify our results, selected RGs were employed for normalization of the expression of genes with a clear biological context in the SC—Gfap and Slc1a3/Glast during postnatal development and Aif1/Iba1 and Cd68/Ed1 after SCI.