Associations between Non-Essential Trace Elements in Women’s Biofluids and IVF Outcomes in Euploid Single-Embryo Transfer Cycles


Gonzalez-Martin Roberto1ORCID,Palomar Andrea1ORCID,Perez-Deben Silvia1,Salsano Stefania1,Quiñonero Alicia1,Caracena Laura12,Rucandio Isabel3ORCID,Fernandez-Saavedra Rocio3ORCID,Fernandez-Martinez Rodolfo3ORCID,Conde-Vilda Estefania3,Quejido Alberto J.3,Giles Juan12,Vidal Carmen12ORCID,Bellver Jose124,Dominguez Francisco1ORCID


1. IVI-RMA Global Research Alliance, IVI Foundation, Instituto de Investigación Sanitaria La Fe (IIS La Fe), 46026 Valencia, Spain

2. IVI-RMA Global Research Alliance, IVI-RMA Valencia, 46015 Valencia, Spain

3. Unit of Mass Spectrometry and Geochemical Applications, Chemistry Division, Department of Technology, Centro de Investigaciones Energéticas, Medioambientales y Tecnológicas (CIEMAT), 28040 Madrid, Spain

4. Department of Pediatrics, Obstetrics and Gynecology, Faculty of Medicine of Valencia, 46010 Valencia, Spain


Previous studies have found inconsistent associations between heavy metals and metalloids (cadmium, lead, mercury, and arsenic), and reproductive outcomes. The biofluid concentrations of ten non-essential trace elements (Hg, Pb, As, Ba, Sr, Rb, Cs, Sn, Ni, and Co) were evaluated in 51 Spanish women undergoing ICSI, PGT-A, and SET/FET. Nine out of ten non-essential elements were detectable in follicular fluid, whole blood, and urine collected the day of vaginal oocyte retrieval (VOR) and the day of embryo transfer and then analyzed by ICP-MS or Tricell DMA-80 for mercury. Elevated mercury and strontium concentrations in follicular fluid were associated with poor ovarian response and preimplantation outcomes. Worst preimplantation outcomes were also identified in women with elevated whole-blood strontium or mercury, urinary arsenic, barium, and tin the day of VOR. High concentrations of urinary rubidium on VOR day were linked with enhanced fertilization and blastocyst development. Excessive titanium in whole blood was associated with lower odds of implantation, clinical pregnancy, and achieving a live birth in a given IVF cycle. Excessive urinary arsenic on the day of embryo transfer was associated with lower odds of live birth. Although these preliminary results need to be confirmed in larger populations, distinguishing organic and inorganic element forms, our findings show that some non-essential elements have a detrimental impact on human IVF outcomes.


Institute of Health Carlos III

European Regional Development Fund

Generalitat Valenciana









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