Partially Hydrolysed Whey-Based Formulae with Reduced Protein Content Support Adequate Infant Growth and Are Well Tolerated: Results of a Randomised Controlled Trial in Healthy Term Infants


Rigo Jacques,Schoen Stefanie,Verghote Marc,van Overmeire Bart,Marion Wivinne,Abrahamse-Berkeveld Marieke,Alliet Philippe


The current study aimed to investigate growth, safety and tolerance of partially hydrolysed infant formulae in healthy full-term infants. Fully formula-fed infants were randomised ≤14 days of age to receive a partially hydrolysed whey formula with 2.27 g protein/100 kcal (pHF2.27) or the same formula with 1.8 g or 2.0 g protein/100 kcal (pHF1.8 and pHF2.0) until 4 months of age. The primary outcome was equivalence in daily weight gain within margins of ± 3 g/day; comparison with WHO Child Growth Standards; gastrointestinal tolerance parameters and number of (serious) adverse events were secondary outcomes. A total of 207 infants were randomised, and 61 (pHF1.8), 46 (pHF2.0) and 48 (pHF2.27) infants completed the study per protocol. Equivalence in daily weight gain was demonstrated for the comparison of pHF1.8 and pHF2.27, i.e., the estimated difference was −1.12 g/day (90% CI: [−2.72; 0.47]) but was inconclusive for the comparisons of pHF2.0 and pHF2.27 with a difference of −2.52 g/day (90% CI: [−4.23; −0.81]). All groups showed adequate infant growth in comparison with the World Health Organization (WHO) Child Growth Standards. To conclude, the evaluated partially hydrolysed formulae varying in protein content support adequate growth and are safe and well tolerated in healthy infants.




Food Science,Nutrition and Dietetics

Reference35 articles.

1. Breastfeeding and the Use of Human Milk

2. Report of the Scientific Committee on Food on the Revision of Essential Requirements of Infant Formulae and Follow-on Formulae (Opinion expressed on 4th April 2003)

3. Opinion of the Scientific Panel on Dietetic products, nutrition and allergies [NDA] related to the safety and suitability for particular nutritional use by infants of formula based on whey protein partial hydrolysates with a protein content of at least 1.

4. Commission Directive 2006/141/EC of 22 December 2006 on Infant Formulae and Follow-On Formulae and Amending Directive 1999/21/EC 2006

5. Commission Directive 2013/46/EU of 28 August 2013 Amending Directive 2006/141/EC with Regard to Protein Requirements for Infant Formulae and Follow-On Formulae Text with EEA Relevance







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