1. Department of Mathematics, College of Science, King Saud University, P.O. Box 2455, Riyadh 11451, Saudi Arabia
The issue of Jeffrey nanofluid peristaltic flow in an asymmetric channel being affected by an induced magnetic field was studied. In addition, mixed convection and viscous dissipation were considered. Under the supposition of a long wave length and a low Reynolds number, the problem was made simpler. The system and corresponding boundary conditions were solved numerically by using the built-in package NDSolve in Mathematica software. This software ensures that the boundary value problem solution is accurate when the step size is set appropriately. It computes internally using the shooting method. Axial velocity, temperature distribution, nanoparticle concentration, axial induced magnetic field, and density distribution were all calculated numerically. An analysis was conducted using graphics to show how different factors affect the flow quantities of interest. The results showed that when the Jeffrey fluid parameter is increased, the magnitude of axial velocity increases at the upper wall of the channel, while it decreases close to the lower walls. Increasing the Hartmann number lads to increases in the axial velocity near the channel walls and in the concentration of nanoparticles. Additionally, as the Brownian motion parameter is increased, both temperature and nanoparticle concentration grow.
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