Innate Lymphoid Cells: Emerging Players in Pancreatic Disease


Shi Saimeng,Ye Longyun,Jin Kaizhou,Xiao Zhiwen,Yu Xianjun,Wu Weiding


Common pancreatic diseases have caused significant economic and social burdens worldwide. The interstitial microenvironment is involved in and plays a crucial part in the occurrence and progression of pancreatic diseases. Innate lymphoid cells (ILCs), an innate population of immune cells which have only gradually entered our visual field in the last 10 years, play an important role in maintaining tissue homeostasis, regulating metabolism, and participating in regeneration and repair. Recent evidence indicates that ILCs in the pancreas, as well as in other tissues, are also key players in pancreatic disease and health. Herein, we examined the possible functions of different ILC subsets in common pancreatic diseases, including diabetes mellitus, pancreatitis and pancreatic cancer, and discussed the potential practical implications of the relevant findings for future further treatment of these pancreatic diseases.


National Natural Science Foundation of China




Inorganic Chemistry,Organic Chemistry,Physical and Theoretical Chemistry,Computer Science Applications,Spectroscopy,Molecular Biology,General Medicine,Catalysis

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1. Adiponectin and Interleukin-33: Possible Early Markers of Metabolic Syndrome;Journal of Clinical Medicine;2022-12-24

2. Innate lymphoid cells type 3 in cancer;Frontiers in Immunology;2022-10-13

3. Innate lymphocytes: Role in alcohol-induced immune dysfunction;Frontiers in Immunology;2022-08-29







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