Thromboembolic Events in Users of Warfarin Treated with Different Skeletal Muscle Relaxants


Leonard Charles E.ORCID,Brensinger Colleen M.,Bilker Warren B.,Soprano Samantha E.,Dhopeshwarkar Neil,Hecht Todd E. H.,Kasner Scott E.,Nutescu Edith A.,Holbrook AnneORCID,Carr Matthew,Ashcroft Darren M.ORCID,Chen ChengORCID,Hennessy Sean


Background and Objectives: Warfarin and a skeletal muscle relaxant are co-treatments in nearly a quarter-million annual United States (US) office visits. Despite international calls to minimize patient harm arising from anticoagulant drug interactions, scant data exist on clinical outcomes in real-world populations. We examined effects of concomitant use of warfarin and individual muscle relaxants on rates of hospitalization for thromboembolism among economically disadvantaged persons. Materials and Methods: Using 1999–2012 administrative data of four US state Medicaid programs, we conducted 16 retrospective self-controlled case series studies: half included concomitant users of warfarin + one of eight muscle relaxants; half included concomitant users of an inhaled corticosteroid (ICS) + one of eight muscle relaxants. The ICS analyses served as negative control comparisons. In each study, we calculated incidence rate ratios (IRRs) comparing thromboembolism rates in the co-exposed versus warfarin/ICS-only exposed person-time, adjusting for time-varying confounders. Results: Among ~70 million persons, we identified 8693 warfarin-treated subjects who concomitantly used a muscle relaxant, were hospitalized for thromboembolism, and met all other inclusion criteria. Time-varying confounder-adjusted IRRs ranged from 0.31 (95% confidence interval: 0.13–0.77) for metaxalone to 3.44 (95% confidence interval: 1.53–7.78) for tizanidine. The tizanidine finding was robust after quantitatively adjusting for negative control ICS findings, and in numerous prespecified secondary analyses. Conclusions: We identified a potential >3-fold increase in the rate of hospitalized thromboembolism in concomitant users of warfarin + tizanidine vs. warfarin alone. Alternative explanations for this finding include confounding by indication, a native effect of tizanidine, or chance.


National Institute on Aging

National Institute on Drug Abuse

National Institute of General Medical Sciences




General Medicine

Reference39 articles.

1. National Action Plan for ADE Prevention;U.S. Department of Health and Human Services’ Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion,2014

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3. Drug and dietary interactions of warfarin and novel oral anticoagulants: an update

4. Ambulatory Health Care Data;Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

5. Assessment of Physician Prescribing of Muscle Relaxants in the United States, 2005-2016







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