Factors Influencing Early Growth of Juvenile Tiger Trout Stocked into Subalpine Lakes as Biocontrol and to Enhance Recreational Angling


Hansen Adam G.,Cristan Erik T.,Moll Miranda M.,Miller Michael W.ORCID,Gardunio Eric I.,Lepak Jesse M.ORCID


Tiger trout (Salmo trutta × Salvelinus fontinalis) are sterile hybrids often stocked as a biocontrol agent for undesirable fishes and to enhance recreational angling. Yet, how different ecological processes affect their post-stocking performance remain poorly understood. Rapid growth early in life can foster rapid transitions to piscivory, and improve survival. Identifying factors that benefit early growth can help managers optimize tiger trout stocking for meeting multiple fisheries management objectives. Here, we characterized the trophic ecology and growth of tiger trout stocked at varying densities into seven lentic subalpine systems in Colorado, USA. Study systems supported different species of undesirable fish (e.g., minnows or suckers). We used stable isotopes of carbon and nitrogen to quantify trophic relationships among tiger trout and other fishes in each system. We then evaluated several system-specific attributes as predictors for the size of tiger trout at age-1 using a Random Forest model. Stable isotopes demonstrated the potential for resource competition among tiger trout and other fishes, but potential varied by system. Indices of resource competition ranked highest in the Random Forest model, but the stocking density of tiger trout was most important, suggesting that intraspecific competition outweighed interspecific competition in driving early growth. These processes were mediated by system productivity. Thus, stocking density in combination with the realized carrying capacities of systems should be considered when making management decisions for tiger trout.


Colorado Parks and Wildlife




Ecology,Aquatic Science,Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics

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