Study of Turbulence Associated with the Faraji Cyclone


Ciardullo GiuseppeORCID,Primavera LeonardoORCID,Ferrucci FabrizioORCID,Carbone VincenzoORCID,Lepreti FabioORCID


The formation of a cyclonic region in which nonlinear interactions generate turbulence in the form of small-scale vortices can be observed because of the different rotating air masses. Turbulence dynamics in cyclones (specifically hurricanes) has been under-researched; therefore, assessing the shear term is crucial to identify the onset of cyclonic formation within a region of the atmosphere. Earth observation techniques are able to provide relevant information on this physical process. In this article, we propose a new framework that is useful for connecting the study of the dynamics of a cyclonic system with the observations generated by geostationary satellite facilities. In particular, we applied the proper orthogonal decomposition (POD), a technique widely used in turbulent analysis to decompose a generic scalar or vector field in empirical eigenfunction, to investigate a tropical cyclone, the Faraji hurricane, from a dynamic point of view, beginning from the temporal evolution of its temperature field. The latter was obtained by elaborating on data and images collected by the SEVIRI radiometer, installed on the Meteosat Second Generation-8 (IODC) satellite. Using the POD, the energy spectra of both the spatial and temporal components of the temperature field obtained through remote sensing techniques were studied separately. Important information was then extracted and used for an in-depth characterization of the properties of the turbulence in the non-linear evolution of this phenomenon.




Atmospheric Science

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