1. Department of Mechanical Systems Engineering, Tokyo Metropolitan University, 6-6 Asahigaoka, Hino City 191-0065, Tokyo, Japan
Preheating is important to improve the mechanical properties of nickel-based superalloys processed by additive manufacturing. The microstructure of IN718 was found to be influenced by the preheating temperature. Different preheating temperatures affect mechanical properties by changing microstructures. This work aims to clarify the thermal behavior for two preheated base plate temperatures (200 °C and 600 °C) on the IN718 superalloy built by the selective laser melting (SLM) process using the finite element method and experiments. The simulation findings indicate that the preheated 600 °C model has a deeper melt pool, a slower transformation of liquid to solid, and a slower cooling rate compared to the 200 °C model. As a result, the interdendritic Niobium (Nb) segregation of IN718 is reduced, thus improving the mechanical properties of additive-manufactured IN718 using the laser. The solidification map derived from the simulation indicates a columnar microstructure for the IN718 superalloy. Preheating increased the size of the dendrite structure and reduced elemental segregation, but it did not affect the morphology or size of crystal grains. We focused on comparing the temperature gradient and cooling rate for the two preheated base plate temperatures using the solidification map of IN718. The simulation confirmed that preheating does not affect the grain structure.
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research)