1. Institute of Mathematics, Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics, Vilnius University, Naugarduko Str. 24, LT-03225 Vilnius, Lithuania
2. Department of Mathematics and Statistics, Faculty of Informatics, Vytautas Magnus University, Universiteto Str. 10, Akademija, LT-53361 Kaunas District, Lithuania
In the paper, we consider the approximation of analytic functions by shifts from the wide class S˜ of L-functions. This class was introduced by A. Selberg, supplemented by J. Steuding, and is defined axiomatically. We prove the so-called joint discrete universality theorem for the function L(s)∈S˜. Using the linear independence over Q of the multiset (hjlogp:p∈P),j=1,…,r;2π for positive hj, we obtain that there are many infinite shifts L(s+ikh1),…,L(s+ikhr), k=0,1,…, approximating every collection f1(s),…,fr(s) of analytic non-vanishing functions defined in the strip {s∈C:σL<σ<1}, where σL is a degree of the function L(s). For the proof, the probabilistic approach based on weak convergence of probability measures in the space of analytic functions is applied.
Geometry and Topology,Logic,Mathematical Physics,Algebra and Number Theory,Analysis