Enhancement of Mammographic Images Using Histogram-Based Techniques for Their Classification Using CNN


Alshamrani Khalaf,Alshamrani Hassan A.ORCID,Alqahtani Fawaz F.ORCID,Almutairi Bander S.


In the world, one in eight women will develop breast cancer. Men can also develop it, but less frequently. This condition starts with uncontrolled cell division brought on by a change in the genes that regulate cell division and growth, which leads to the development of a nodule or tumour. These tumours can be either benign, which poses no health risk, or malignant, also known as cancerous, which puts patients’ lives in jeopardy and has the potential to spread. The most common way to diagnose this problem is via mammograms. This kind of examination enables the detection of abnormalities in breast tissue, such as masses and microcalcifications, which are thought to be indicators of the presence of disease. This study aims to determine how histogram-based image enhancement methods affect the classification of mammograms into five groups: benign calcifications, benign masses, malignant calcifications, malignant masses, and healthy tissue, as determined by a CAD system of automatic mammography classification using convolutional neural networks. Both Contrast-limited Adaptive Histogram Equalization (CAHE) and Histogram Intensity Windowing (HIW) will be used (CLAHE). By improving the contrast between the image’s background, fibrous tissue, dense tissue, and sick tissue, which includes microcalcifications and masses, the mammography histogram is modified using these procedures. In order to help neural networks, learn, the contrast has been increased to make it easier to distinguish between various types of tissue. The proportion of correctly classified images could rise with this technique. Using Deep Convolutional Neural Networks, a model was developed that allows classifying different types of lesions. The model achieved an accuracy of 62%, based on mini-MIAS data. The final goal of the project is the creation of an update algorithm that will be incorporated into the CAD system and will enhance the automatic identification and categorization of microcalcifications and masses. As a result, it would be possible to increase the possibility of early disease identification, which is important because early discovery increases the likelihood of a cure to almost 100%.


Ministry of Education, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia




Electrical and Electronic Engineering,Biochemistry,Instrumentation,Atomic and Molecular Physics, and Optics,Analytical Chemistry

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2. Automatic Breast Cancer Detection with Mammography Approach Using Deep Learning Algorithm;Proceedings of International Conference on Data Analytics and Insights, ICDAI 2023;2023








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