1. Environmental Sciences, College of Life Sciences, Kuwait University, P.O. Box 5969, Safat 13060, Kuwait
This work is an effort to mitigate the existing environmental issues caused by brine discharge from Kuwait’s desalination plants and to find an economical and efficient way of managing reject brine from local desalination plants. Low- and high-resistance membranes (LRMs and HRMs, respectively) were used to produce salt and low-salinity water from brine effluent utilizing an electrodialysis (ED)–evaporator hybrid system. The effect of high current densities of 300, 400, and 500 A/m2 and brine flowrates of 450 and 500 L/h on the quality of produced salt and diluate were investigated for LRM and HRM. The recovered salt purity for LRM is up to 90.58%. Results show that the low-resistance membrane (LRM) achieved higher water recovery, energy consumption, desalination rate, operation time and ion removal rate than those of the high-resistance membrane (HRM) under the same operating conditions. The difference in concentration for 300 A/m2 between LRM and HRM increased from 0.93% at 10 min to 8.28% at 140 min. The difference in diluate concentration effluent is negligible for both membranes, whereas LRM produced higher concentrate effluent than HRM for all current densities and low flowrate (400 L/h). The maximum difference between LRM and HRM (with LRM achieving higher concentrations) is 10.7% for 400 A/m2. The permselectivity of LRM for monovalent cations decreased with current density, whereas the effect on permselectivity for HRM was insignificant for the current density values. The addition of a neutral cell was effective in reducing the buildup of divalent ions on the inner membrane of the cathode side.