Dynamic Balance Control of Double Gyros Unicycle Robot Based on Sliding Mode Controller


Zhang Yang,Jin HongzheORCID,Zhao Jie


This paper presents a doublegyroscope unicycle robot, which is dynamically balanced by sliding mode controller and PD controller based on its dynamics. This double−gyroscope robot uses the precession effect of the double gyro system to achieve its lateral balance. The two gyroscopes are at the same speed and in reverse direction so as to ensure that the precession torque of the gyroscopes does not interfere with the longitudinal direction of the unicycle robot. The lateral controller of the unicycle robot is a sliding mode controller. It not only maintains the balance ability of the unicycle robot, but also improves its robustness. The longitudinal controller of the unicycle robot is a PD controller, and its input variables are pitch angle and pitch angular velocity. In order to track the set speed, the speed of the unicycle robot is brought into the longitudinal controller to facilitate the speed control. The dynamic balance of the designed double gyro unicycle robot is verified by simulation and experiment results. At the same time, the anti−interference ability of the designed controller is verified by interference simulation and experiment.


STI 2030—Major Project

National Natural Science Foundation of China




Electrical and Electronic Engineering,Biochemistry,Instrumentation,Atomic and Molecular Physics, and Optics,Analytical Chemistry

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