Modeling the Effects of Spatial Variability of Irrigation Parameters on Border Irrigation Performance at a Field Scale


Dong Qin’ge,Zhang Shaohui,Bai Meijian,Xu Di,Feng Hao


The interaction between surface and subsurface water flows plays an important role in surface irrigation systems. This interaction can effectively be simulated by the physical-based models, which have been developed on the basis of the numerical solutions to the Saint-Venant and Richards’ equations. Meanwhile, the spatial variability of field physical properties (such as soil properties, surface micro-topography, and unit discharge) affects the interaction between surface and subsurface water flows and decreases the accuracy of simulating surface irrigation events at large scales. In this study, a new numerical methodology is developed based on the physical-based model of surface irrigation and the Monte Carlo simulation method to improve the modeling accuracy of surface irrigation performance at a field scale. In the proposed numerical methodology, soil properties, unit discharge, surface micro-topography, roughness, border length, and the cutoff time for the unit discharge are used as the stochastic parameters of the physical-based model, while field slope is assumed as the constant value because of the same field tillage and management conditions at a field scale. Monte Carlo simulation is used to obtain the stochastic parameter sample combinations of the physical-based model to represent the spatial variability of field physical properties. The updated stochastic simulation model of surface micro-topography, which is developed to model the spatial distribution of surface elevation differences (SED), is used to obtain the surface micro-topography samples at a field scale. Compared with the distributed-parameter modelling methodology and the field experimental data, the proposed numerical methodology presents the better simulation performance.




Water Science and Technology,Aquatic Science,Geography, Planning and Development,Biochemistry

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