GHG Emissions from Dairy Small Ruminants in Castilla-La Mancha (Spain), Using the ManleCO2 Simulation Model


Salcedo Gregorio,García Oscar,Jiménez LorenaORCID,Gallego Roberto,González-Cano RafaelORCID,Arias RamónORCID


The first goal of this work was the description of a model addressed to quantify the carbon footprint in Spanish autochthonous dairy sheep farms (Manchega group), foreign dairy sheep farms (foreigners group: Lacaune and Assaf breeds), and Spanish autochthonous dairy goat farms (Florida group). The second objective was to analyze the GHG emission mitigation potential of 17 different livestock farming practices that were implemented by 36 different livestock farms, in terms of CO2e per hectare (ha), CO2e per livestock unit (LU), and CO2e per liter of fat- and protein-corrected milk (FPCM). The study showed the following results: 1.655 kg CO2e per ha, 6.397 kg CO2e per LU, and 3.78 kg CO2e per liter of FPCM in the Manchega group; 12.634 kg CO2e per ha, 7.810 CO2e kg per LU, and 2.77 kg CO2e per liter of FPCM in the Foreigners group and 1.198 kg CO2e per ha, 6.507 kg CO2e per LU, and 3.06 kg CO2e per liter of FPCM in Florida group. In summary, purchasing off-farm animal feed would increase emissions by up to 3.86%. Conversely, forage management, livestock inventory, electrical supply, and animal genetic improvement would reduce emissions by up to 6.29%, 4.3%, 3.52%, and 0.8%, respectively; finally, an average rise of 2 °C in room temperature would increase emissions by up to 0.62%.




General Veterinary,Animal Science and Zoology

Reference110 articles.

1. Statistical Yearbook,2016

2. Resultados técnico-económicos del Ganado Ovino de leche en 2016, Subdirección General de Análisis, Prospectiva y Coordinación. Subsecretaría

3. Indicadores cuatrimestrales situación sector ovino leche España. Subdirección General de Producciones Ganaderas y Cinegéticas, Dirección General de Producciones y Mercados Agrarios

4. Organic dairy sheep farms in south-central Spain: Typologies according to livestock management and economic variables







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