1. Novyi God po-Pravoslavnomu [New Year, Orthodox Way]https://www.pravmir.ru/novyj-god-po-pravoslavnomu/
2. Velikii Post—Kak Pravilno Postitsia. Velikii Post v Voprosakh i Otvetakh Sviashchennika [Great Lent—How to Fast Correctly. Great Lent in the Questions and Answers of a Priest]https://foma.ru/velikiy-post-kak-pravilno-postitsya.html
3. Aleksandr Kuzmin’s Answer to Liosha Denisovhttps://vk.com/topic-25505827_41036610
4. Tipikon i Inzhir [The Typikon and Figs]http://pravoslavie.ru/68934.html
5. Grekh, Bolezn, Istselenie [Sin, Disease, and Healing]https://azbyka.ru/zdorovie/grex-bolezn-iscelenie#beseda_vosmaja