Dynamic Alloying of Steels in the Super-Deep Penetration Mode


Usherenko Yulia,Mironovs Viktors,Usherenko Sergey,Lapkovskis VjaceslavsORCID,Shishkin AndreiORCID


The dynamic effects observed in collisions represent a specific area of high-energy interaction located at the boundary of mechanics, hydrodynamics, shock wave physics, and alternating high-pressure regions. The paper shows that in the volume of a solid metal body, as a result of dynamic alloying by a high-speed stream of powder particles in the super-deep penetration mode (SDP), fiber structures of altering material arise, forming the framework of the composite material. The stream of powder particles in the metal obstacle following the path of least resistance and the impact of shock waves on particles results in a volumetric framework from the products of interaction between the injected and matrix materials. When using SDP, defective structural elements (channeled)—germs of reinforcing fibers arise. At the subsequent heat treatment, there is an intensive diffusion. The growth process of reinforcing fibers shifts to higher temperatures (as compared to the standard mode), leading to an increase in the bending strength of the fiber material up to 13 times for W6Mo5Cr4V2 high-speed tool steel. As a result of the completion of the growth of reinforcing fibers in the volume of the W6Mo5Cr4V2 high-speed tool steel, the material’s bending strength in 1.2 times is realized. Simultaneously, it provides an increase of wear resistance 1.7–1.8 times.




General Materials Science

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1. Composite welds reinforced in volume with lanthanides;Litiyo i Metallurgiya (FOUNDRY PRODUCTION AND METALLURGY);2023-09-14

2. New chemical elements dynamic synthesis in ultra-deep penetration zones;Litiyo i Metallurgiya (FOUNDRY PRODUCTION AND METALLURGY);2023-08-09

3. Cu-Al-Ag composite target for PVD protective coatings for magnesium made by powder metallurgy technique;Journal of Physics: Conference Series;2023-01-01








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