1. FHWA (2019, July 31). Information: Guidance on Highway Preservation and Maintenance, Available online: https://www.fhwa.dot.gov/preservation/memos/160225.cfm.
2. AGC, Pavement Preservation Committee (2013). Chip Seal Guide for Application and Construction, AGC. [1st ed.].
3. Austroads (2004). Austroads Sprayed Sealing Guide, Austroads. AP-676/104.
4. Hanson, F.M. (1934). Bituminous Surface Treatments on Rural Highways, The National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. Proceedings of the New Zealand Society of Civil Engineers.
5. Gransberg, D., and James, D.M.B. (2005). NCHRP Synthesis 342 Chip Seal Best Practices, Transportation Research Board.