An Assessment of the Ratio between Upper Body Push and Pull Strength in Female and Male Elite Swedish Track and Field Throwers


Augustsson Jesper1ORCID,Gunhamn Ted1,Andersson Håkan2


1. Department of Sport Science, Faculty of Social Sciences, Linnaeus University, 39182 Kalmar, Sweden

2. High Performance Center, Strength and Conditioning Institute, 35246 Vaxjo, Sweden


Data on the strength ratio between agonist and antagonist muscles are frequently examined in sports testing, given its correlation with athletic performance. The purpose of this study was to determine the agonist-to-antagonist ratio of upper body strength in female and male elite Swedish track and field throwers using a new push (bench press) and pull (supine bench row) test device, and to determine its reliability. The study involved eight female and nine male athletes, aged 19–29 years, engaging, respectively, in discus, hammer, and shot put competitions at both national and international levels. The athletes’ maximum isometric force was assessed during the bench press (push) and supine bench row (pull) exercises, respectively, using a custom-built test device. The test–retest reliability of the device was also examined. The total push-to-pull strength ratio for the female throwers was 1.15, whereas male throwers demonstrated a ratio of 1.22. Total push and pull force for the female throwers was significantly less than for the male throwers (5511 N vs. 8970 N, p < 0.001). Intraclass correlation coefficients ranged from 0.93 to 0.96 for the bench press and supine bench row exercise, indicating that the push and pull test device was highly reliable. The main findings of this study were that elite female and male discus, hammer, and shot put throwers exhibited 15% and 22% more pushing (bench press) than pulling (supine bench row) strength. Push and pull strength in the female throwers ranged from 47% to 71% of that of the male throwers. The push and pull test device is a reliable tool in establishing the agonist-to-antagonist ratio of upper body strength of athletes. Coaches and athletes may benefit from examining upper body push and pull strength ratios for training planning and prescription.









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