Feasibility of Using Multiplayer Game-Based Dual-Task Training with Augmented Reality and Personal Health Record on Social Skills and Cognitive Function in Children with Autism


Nekar Daekook M.ORCID,Kang HyeYun,Alao Honnang,Yu JaeHoORCID


The purpose of this preliminary study was to evaluate the feasibility of multiplayer game contents with dual-task exercises using augmented reality (AR) and a personal health record (PHR) system for social skills and cognitive function in children with autism. The present study used a single group pretest–posttest study design with fourteen children diagnosed with autism and aged 6–16 years. The intervention consisted of various game contents designed specifically with cognitive and motor tasks, performed for 30 min per session, twice a week, for three weeks. Outcome measures were conducted before and after the intervention and included social skills and cognitive function. A satisfactory survey was conducted post-intervention to assess the usability of the performed games. As result, statistically significant improvements were observed in all subscales of the social skills and cognitive function expected in two subscales of each measured outcome. Parents and children appreciated the overall game program, and no risk of injury and dizziness were mentioned. This preliminary study found that multiplayer game-based dual-task training using AR and PHR was feasible and has a promising efficacy for children with autism. However, there is the need to conduct a randomized control study with a large sample size.


National Research Foundation of Korea




Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health

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