Assessing Parental Competence and Self-Ratings in Management of Pediatric Type 1 Diabetes and Emergency Glucagon Administration—An Exploratory Observational Study


Eisenhofer Simone1,Neininger Martina1,Bertsche Astrid23,Kiess Wieland3,Bertsche Thilo1ORCID,Kapellen Thomas34


1. Drug Safety Center and Clinical Pharmacy, Institute of Pharmacy, Medical Faculty, Leipzig University, Bruederstr. 32, 04103 Leipzig, Germany

2. Department of Pediatric Neurology, University Medicine Greifswald, Fleischmannstraße 6, 17489 Greifswald, Germany

3. Department of Women and Child Health, Hospital for Children and Adolescents and Center for Pediatric Research, University Hospital of Leipzig, Liebigstr. 23, 04103 Leipzig, Germany

4. MEDIAN Kinderklinik am Nicolausholz Hospital for Children and Adolescents, Elly-Kutscher-Straße 16, 06628 Naumburg (Saale), Germany


Background: Parents of pediatric patients with type I diabetes require competence in hypoglycemia management and skills in glucagon administration to deal with potentially life-threatening severe hypoglycemia. We aimed to compare parents’ subjective self-ratings to an objective expert assessment of competences and skills in dealing with severe hypoglycemia. Methods: We interviewed 140 participants to assess their subjective self-ratings. The objective expert assessments used a standardized clinical case scenario of severe hypoglycemia and a practical demonstration of glucagon administration. Results: The participants self-rated their competence in hypoglycemia management as good (5) or very good (6), and their skills in administering glucagon as acceptable (3) [Scale: very poor (1) to very good (6)]. In the standardized clinical case scenario, 1.4% (2/140) of participants named all relevant steps of severe hypoglycemia management. In the practical demonstration of glucagon administration, 92.9% (130/140) of participants committed at least one drug handling error; 52.1% (73/140) committed at least one drug handling error rated with high clinical risk. Conclusions: We found discrepancies regarding participants’ subjective self-ratings compared to their performance in the respective objective expert assessments. These discrepancies indicate a lack of error awareness and the need for intervention studies to improve competence in hypoglycemia management and glucagon administration.




Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health

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