The ongoing digital transformation is bringing a pervasive diffusion of ultra-broadband, fixed-mobile connectivity, the deployment of cloud-native Fifth Generation (5G) infrastructures, edge and fog computing and a wide adoption of artificial intelligence. This transformation will have far-reaching techno-economic impacts on our society and industry. Nevertheless, this transformation is still laying its foundation in electronics and the impending end of Moore’s law. Therefore, looking at the future, a rethinking of the ways of doing computations and communications has already started. An extended adoption of quantum technologies is one possible direction of innovation. As a matter of fact, a first quantum revolution, started decades ago, has already brought quantum technologies into our daily lives. Indeed, today, a second revolution seems to be underway, exploiting advancements in the ability to detect and manipulate single quantum objects (e.g., photons, electrons, atoms and molecules). Among the different technological approaches, topological photonics is a rapidly growing field of innovation. Drawing inspiration from the discovery of the quantum Hall effect and topological insulators in condensed matter, recent advances in topological photonics hold a promising opportunity for optical networking and quantum computing applications.
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