Nano-Architecture of Persistent Focal DNA Damage Regions in the Minipig Epidermis Weeks after Acute γ-Irradiation


Scherthan Harry1,Geiger Beatrice2,Ridinger David2ORCID,Müller Jessica1,Riccobono Diane3ORCID,Bestvater Felix4,Port Matthias1,Hausmann Michael2ORCID


1. Bundeswehr Institute for Radiobiology Affiliated to the University of Ulm, Neuherbergstr. 11, D-80937 München, Germany

2. Kirchhoff-Institute for Physics, Heidelberg University, Im Neuenheimer Feld 227, D-69120 Heidelberg, Germany

3. Département des Effets Biologiques des Rayonnements, French Armed Forces Biomedical Research Institute, UMR 1296, BP 73, 91223 Brétigny-sur-Orge, France

4. Core Facility Light Microscopy, German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ), Im Neuenheimer Feld 280, D-69120 Heidelberg, Germany


Exposure to high acute doses of ionizing radiation (IR) can induce cutaneous radiation syndrome. Weeks after such radiation insults, keratinocyte nuclei of the epidermis exhibit persisting genomic lesions that present as focal accumulations of DNA double-strand break (DSB) damage marker proteins. Knowledge about the nanostructure of these genomic lesions is scarce. Here, we compared the chromatin nano-architecture with respect to DNA damage response (DDR) factors in persistent genomic DNA damage regions and healthy chromatin in epidermis sections of two minipigs 28 days after lumbar irradiation with ~50 Gy γ-rays, using single-molecule localization microscopy (SMLM) combined with geometric and topological mathematical analyses. SMLM analysis of fluorochrome-stained paraffin sections revealed, within keratinocyte nuclei with perisitent DNA damage, the nano-arrangements of pATM, 53BP1 and Mre11 DDR proteins in γ-H2AX-positive focal chromatin areas (termed macro-foci). It was found that persistent macro-foci contained on average ~70% of 53BP1, ~23% of MRE11 and ~25% of pATM single molecule signals of a nucleus. MRE11 and pATM fluorescent tags were organized in focal nanoclusters peaking at about 40 nm diameter, while 53BP1 tags formed nanoclusters that made up super-foci of about 300 nm in size. Relative to undamaged nuclear chromatin, the enrichment of DDR protein signal tags in γ-H2AX macro-foci was on average 8.7-fold (±3) for 53BP1, 3.4-fold (±1.3) for MRE11 and 3.6-fold (±1.8) for pATM. The persistent macro-foci of minipig epidermis displayed a ~2-fold enrichment of DDR proteins, relative to DSB foci of lymphoblastoid control cells 30 min after 0.5 Gy X-ray exposure. A lasting accumulation of damage signaling and sensing molecules such as pATM and 53BP1, as well as the DSB end-processing protein MRE11 in the persistent macro-foci suggests the presence of diverse DNA damages which pose an insurmountable problem for DSB repair.


Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft




Molecular Biology,Biochemistry







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