Smart Medical Evacuation Support System for the Military


Krygier Jaroslaw1ORCID,Lubkowski Piotr1ORCID,Maslanka Krzysztof1ORCID,Dobrowolski Andrzej P.1ORCID,Mrozek Tomasz1,Znaniecki Wojciech2ORCID,Oskwarek Pawel3


1. Faculty of Electronics, Institute of Communications Systems, Military University of Technology, gen. Sylwester Kaliski Str. No. 2, 00-908 Warsaw, Poland

2. TELDAT Sp. z o.o. sp.k, Cicha 19-27, 85-650 Bydgoszcz, Poland

3. Military Institute of Medicine—National Research Institute, Szaserow 128, 04-141 Warsaw, Poland


Medical support in crisis situations is a major challenge. Efficient implementation of the medical evacuation process especially in operations with limited human resources that may occur during armed conflicts can limit the loss of these resources. Proper evacuation of wounded soldiers from the battlefield can increase the chances of their survival and rapid return to further military operations. This paper presents the technical details of the decision support system for medical evacuation to support this process. The basis for the functioning of this system is the continuous measurement of vital signs of soldiers via a specialized measurement module with a set of medical sensors. Vital signs values are then transmitted via the communication module to the analysis and inference module, which automatically determines the color of medical triage and the soldier’s chance of survival. This paper presents the results of tests of our system to validate it, which were carried out using test vectors of soldiers’ vital signs, as well as the results of the system’s performance on a group of volunteers who performed typical activities of tactical operations. The results of this study showed the usefulness of the developed system for supporting military medical services in military operations.


National Centre for Research and Development (NCBR), Poland



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