1. Business Administration Department, University of Mediterranean Karpasia, via Mersin 10, Nicosia 99010, Turkey
2. Department of Accounting and Finance, University of Mediterranean Karpasia, via Mersin 10, Nicosia 99010, Turkey
In accordance with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals agenda for decent and sustainable economic growth highlighted in the UNSDGs-8, several economies over the years have been on the quest for drivers for decent and sustainable economic growth, of which the Arab bloc is no exception. To this end, the present study draws strength from the classical growth model while exploring the dynamic nexus between oil production and economic growth while accounting for other key growth drivers like gross capital formulation accumulation, labour, trade openness, and financial development for a balanced panel of selected Arab economies. To operationalise the study objectives, the present study leverages second-generational panel econometric approaches. The econometrics techniques applied circumvent the cross-sectional dependency and slope heterogeneity in the sampled bloc. For co-integration analysis, the Westerlund’s panel co-integration test affirms a long-run equilibrium relationship between the study’s outlined variables. Furthermore, for long-run estimates, the present study leverages the common correlated effects mean group (CCEMG) methodology and the augmented mean group (AMG) method for robustness and soundness of the results and coefficients. The present study corroborates the trade-induced growth hypothesis in the entire panel at a p < 0.001 statistical level, which resonates with the mercantilism school of thought. Additionally, the present study also affirms the Solow–Swan hypothesis, where gross capital formation accumulation and labour drive economic growth. Interestingly, the panel bloc shows that oil production is a key driver to the nation’s economic growth, at a p < 0.05 statistical level. However, from a policy standpoint, there are policy suggestions for diversification of the Arab economies to move from a mono-economy dependent on oil production to other sectors like service, industry, and manufacturing, which require labour, capital accumulation, and more. Further policy caveats are outlined in the concluding section.