Surface Protection Technology for Metallic Materials in Marine Environments


Xu Jing1ORCID,Lu Hao1,Cai Linxuan1,Liao Yihong1,Lian Jiadi2


1. School of Mechanical Engineering, Hangzhou Dianzi University, Hangzhou 310018, China

2. Department of Mechanical Engineering, China Jiliang University, Hangzhou 310018, China


As the demand for the development and utilization of marine resources continues to strengthen, the service requirements for advanced marine equipment are rapidly increasing. Surface protection technology has become an important way of solving the tribological problems of extreme operating conditions and improving the safety performance of equipment by imparting certain special properties to the surface of the material through physical, chemical or mechanical processes to enhance the ability of the material to withstand external environmental factors. Combined with the extremely complex characteristics of the marine environment, this paper describes the commonly used surface protection technologies for metal materials in the marine environment. Research on surface texture was summarized under different surface reshaping technologies, as well as processes and coating materials under different surface modification technologies. Combined with the existing research progress and development trends of marine metallic materials, the surfaces of metal materials under the marine environment protection technology foreground are prospected and provide a reference for the improvement of equipment performance in extreme marine environments.


the National Nature Science Foundation of China




General Materials Science

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