Dependence of Convective Cloud Properties and Their Transport on Cloud Fraction and GCM Resolution Diagnosed from a Cloud-Resolving Model Simulation


Zhang Zhanjie,Zhang Guang J.ORCID


The scale-aware convective parameterization for high resolution global climate models must satisfy the requirement that the parameterized subgrid convective transport diminishes as the model resolution increases to convection-resolving resolutions. A major assumption in current scale-aware convection schemes is that the differences between convective cloud properties and their environmental counterparts are independent of cloud fraction. This study examines convective cloud vertical velocity, moist static energy (MSE), moisture, and the vertical eddy transport of MSE and moisture for different averaging subdomain sizes and fractional convective cloudiness using a cloud resolving model simulation of a midlatitude mesoscale convective system. Results show that convective cloud fraction, mass flux, and vertical transport of MSE and moisture increase with decreasing subdomain size. The differences between convective cloud properties in both updrafts and downdrafts and their environment depend on both cloud fraction and the averaging subdomain size. For a given subdomain size, the differences increase with cloud fraction, in contrast to the assumption used in current scale-aware convection parameterization schemes. A consequence of this is that the parameterized convective eddy transport reaches maximum at a higher cloud fraction than believed in previous studies. This has implications on how fast the subgrid convective transport should diminish as GCM resolution increases.




Ocean Engineering,Water Science and Technology,Civil and Structural Engineering

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