From Horrors Past to Horrors Future: Pacifist War Art (1919–1939)


Jannette LaurenORCID


In this paper, I argue that interwar pacifists working in France presented an evolving narrative of what the First World War represented in order to maintain support for their movement and a continued peace in Europe. Utilizing posters, photographs, pamphlets, and art instillations created by pacifist organizations, I interject in ongoing debates over the First World War as a moment of rupture in art and pacifism in France, arguing that the moment of rupture occurred a decade after the conflict had ended with the failure of the Conference for the Reduction and Limitation of Armaments of 1932–1934 and the election of Hitler as the leader of a remilitarized Germany. Pacifist art of the 1920s saw a return to traditional motifs and styles of art that remembered the horrors of the past war. This return to tradition aimed to inspire adherence to the new pacifist organizations in the hopes of creating a new peace-filled world. The era of optimism and tradition ended with the economic and political crisis of the early 1930s, forcing pacifists to reconceptualize the images and styles of art that they utilized. Instead of relying on depictions of the horrors of the past war, these images shifted the focus to the mass civilian casualties future wars would bring in a desperate struggle to prevent the outbreak of another world war.



Reference34 articles.

1. The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction;Benjamin,1969

2. Picasso’s ‘Guernica’;Blunt,1969

3. La mêlée des pacifistes (1919–1945);Bondi,2000

4. Bodies from the Crypt and Other Tales of Italian Sculpture Between the World Wars;Braun,2010

5. Women, Anti-Fascism and Peace in Interwar France: Gabrielle Duchene's Itinerary







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