Integrated Mobile Laboratory for Air Pollution Assessment: Literature Review and cc-TrAIRer Design


Boanini ChiaraORCID,Mecca DomenicoORCID,Pognant FedericaORCID,Bo MatteoORCID,Clerico MarinaORCID


To promote research studies on air pollution and climate change, the mobile laboratory cc-TrAIRer (Climate Change—TRailer for AIR and Environmental Research) was designed and built. It consists of a trailer which affords particles, gas, meteorological and noise measurements. Thanks to its structure and its versatility, it can easily conduct field campaigns in remote areas. The literature review presented in this paper shows the main characteristics of the existing mobile laboratories. The cc-TrAIRer was built by evaluating technical aspects, instrumentations and auxiliary systems that emerged from previous studies in the literature. Some of the studies conducted in heterogeneous topography areas, such as the Po Valley and the Alps, using instruments that were chosen to be located on the mobile laboratory are here reported. The preliminary results highlight the future applications of the trailer and the importance of high temporal resolution data acquisition for the characterization of pollution phenomena. The potential applications of the cc-TrAIRer concern different fields, such as complex terrain, emergency situations, worksite and local source impacts and temporal and spatial distributions of atmospheric compounds. The integrated use of gas and particle analysers, a weather station and environment monitoring systems in a single easily transportable vehicle will contribute to research studies on global aspects of climate change.




Atmospheric Science,Environmental Science (miscellaneous)

Reference104 articles.

1. Arsenic and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development


3. Human Health: Impacts, Adaptation, and Co-Benefits

4. Ambient Air Pollution: A Global Assesment of Exposure and Burden of Disease,2016

5. Air pollution and health

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