Unveiling the Drivers of Chinese Tourists’ Visit Intentions Regarding Malaysia


Jiang Xiaocong12ORCID,Mohamed Ahmad Edwin bin2,Affifudin Amirul Husni bin2


1. School of Business, Institute of Vocational Technology, SIP—Suzhou Industrial Park, Suzhou 215123, China

2. Ghazali Shafie Graduate School of Government, Northern University of Malaysia, Sintok 06010, Malaysia


In 2023, the number of Chinese tourists visiting Malaysia had not yet returned to pre-pandemic levels, unlike those from some regions where tourism numbers have normalized. The lack of established research methodologies complicates the determination of whether negative news reports contribute to reduced visit intentions among these tourists. Through semi-structured interviews with a total of 69 individuals, including tourists who have visited, those who planned to visit but canceled, and local industry professionals, and using thematic analysis, this study identified ten primary factors diminishing Chinese tourists’ visit intentions regarding Malaysia. Notably, the findings suggest that the main reasons are not primarily associated with negative media coverage. The research indicates that improvements in multilingual services, targeted marketing strategies, effective use of Chinese social media platforms, promotion of local culture, addressing inaccuracies in religious and cultural guidance, and reducing regional disparities in infrastructure could enhance the visit intentions of Chinese tourists regarding Malaysia. This study not only offers a comprehensive framework for understanding the factors influencing visitation intentions but also provides an effective methodology for assessing the impact of unforeseen events on tourist behavior. It further proposes practical strategies to enhance the recovery of tourist arrivals.



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