1. Laboratoire de Chimie Appliquée des Matériaux, Centre des Sciences des Matériaux, Faculty of Sciences, Mohammed V University, Rabat 1014, Morocco
2. Aix Marseille University, Université de Toulon, CNRS, IM2NP, CS CEDEX 9, 60584 Toulon, France
3. HUN-REN-SZTE Reaction Kinetics and Surface Chemistry Research Group, Rerrich Béla tér 1, H-6720 Szeged, Hungary
4. Department of Applied and Environmental Chemistry, University of Szeged, Rerrich Béla tér 1, H-6720 Szeged, Hungary
5. Institute of Materials Science of Mulhouse (IS2M), Haute Alsace University, 68100 Mulhouse, France
6. Strasbourg University, 67081 Strasbourg, France
7. Department of Chemistry, College of Science, Princess Nourah Bint Abdulrahman University, P.O. Box 84428, Riyadh 11671, Saudi Arabia