Cybersecurity in Power Grids: Challenges and Opportunities


Krause Tim,Ernst Raphael,Klaer Benedikt,Hacker ImmanuelORCID,Henze MartinORCID


Increasing volatilities within power transmission and distribution force power grid operators to amplify their use of communication infrastructure to monitor and control their grid. The resulting increase in communication creates a larger attack surface for malicious actors. Indeed, cyber attacks on power grids have already succeeded in causing temporary, large-scale blackouts in the recent past. In this paper, we analyze the communication infrastructure of power grids to derive resulting fundamental challenges of power grids with respect to cybersecurity. Based on these challenges, we identify a broad set of resulting attack vectors and attack scenarios that threaten the security of power grids. To address these challenges, we propose to rely on a defense-in-depth strategy, which encompasses measures for (i) device and application security, (ii) network security, and (iii) physical security, as well as (iv) policies, procedures, and awareness. For each of these categories, we distill and discuss a comprehensive set of state-of-the art approaches, as well as identify further opportunities to strengthen cybersecurity in interconnected power grids.




Electrical and Electronic Engineering,Biochemistry,Instrumentation,Atomic and Molecular Physics, and Optics,Analytical Chemistry

Reference140 articles.

1. Designing for Situation Awareness of Future Power Grids: An Indicator System Based on Linear Eigenvalue Statistics of Large Random Matrices

2. SealedGRID: Secure and Interoperable Platform for Smart GRID Applications

3. Council Directive 2008/114/EC of 8 December 2008 on the Identification and Designation of European Critical Infrastructures and the Assessment of the Need to Improve Their Protection

4. Proposal for a Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council on the Resilience of Critical Entities COM/2020/829 Final

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