Symmetry, Combinatorics, Artificial Intelligence, Music and Spectroscopy


Balasubramanian Krishnan


Symmetry forms the foundation of combinatorial theories and algorithms of enumeration such as Möbius inversion, Euler totient functions, and the celebrated Pólya’s theory of enumeration under the symmetric group action. As machine learning and artificial intelligence techniques play increasingly important roles in the machine perception of music to image processing that are central to many disciplines, combinatorics, graph theory, and symmetry act as powerful bridges to the developments of algorithms for such varied applications. In this review, we bring together the confluence of music theory and spectroscopy as two primary disciplines to outline several interconnections of combinatorial and symmetry techniques in the development of algorithms for machine generation of musical patterns of the east and west and a variety of spectroscopic signatures of molecules. Combinatorial techniques in conjunction with group theory can be harnessed to generate the musical scales, intensity patterns in ESR spectra, multiple quantum NMR spectra, nuclear spin statistics of both fermions and bosons, colorings of hyperplanes of hypercubes, enumeration of chiral isomers, and vibrational modes of complex systems including supergiant fullerenes, as exemplified by our work on the golden fullerene C150,000. Combinatorial techniques are shown to yield algorithms for the enumeration and construction of musical chords and scales called ragas in music theory, as we exemplify by the machine construction of ragas and machine perception of musical patterns. We also outline the applications of Hadamard matrices and magic squares in the development of algorithms for the generation of balanced-pitch chords. Machine perception of musical, spectroscopic, and symmetry patterns are considered.




Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous),General Mathematics,Chemistry (miscellaneous),Computer Science (miscellaneous)

Reference134 articles.

1. Musical Scales of the World;Hewitt,2013

2. Music: In Theory and Practice;Benward,2003

3. Mathematics and music theory: From pythagoras to rameau

4. From Music to Mathematics;Roberts,2016

5. The Music of the Spheres: Music, Science, and the Natural Order of the Universe;James,1995







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