Mesenchymal Stem Cell Therapy for Bone Repair of Human Hip Osteonecrosis with Bilateral Match-Control Evaluation: Impact of Tissue Source, Cell Count, Disease Stage, and Volume Size on 908 Hips


Hernigou Philippe1,Homma Yasuhiro2,Hernigou Jacques3,Flouzat Lachaniette Charles Henri1ORCID,Rouard Helène4,Verrier Sophie5ORCID


1. Orthopedic Department, University Paris East, Hopital Henri Mondor, 94000 Creteil, France

2. Department of Orthopaedics, Faculty of Medicine, Juntendo University, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 113-8421, Japan

3. Department of Orthopaedic Surgery and Traumatology, EpiCURA Baudour Hornu Ath Hospital, 7331 Hainaut, Belgium

4. Établissement Français du Sang, University Paris East, 94000 Creteil, France

5. AO Research Institute Davos, Clavadelerstrasse 8, 7270 Davos, Switzerland


We investigated the impact of mesenchymal stem cell (MSC) therapy on treating bilateral human hip osteonecrosis, analyzing 908 cases. This study assesses factors such as tissue source and cell count, comparing core decompression with various cell therapies. This research emphasizes bone repair according to pre-treatment conditions and the specificities of cell therapy in osteonecrosis repair, indicating a potential for improved bone repair strategies in hips without femoral head collapse. This study utilized a single-center retrospective analysis to investigate the efficacy of cellular approaches in the bone repair of osteonecrosis. It examined the impact on bone repair of tissue source (autologous bone marrow concentrate, allogeneic expanded, autologous expanded), cell quantity (from none in core decompression alone to millions in cell therapy), and osteonecrosis stage and volume. Excluding hips with femoral head collapse, it focused on patients who had bilateral hip osteonecrosis, both pre-operative and post-operative MRIs, and a follow-up of over five years. The analysis divided these patients into seven groups based on match control treatment variations in bilateral hip osteonecrosis, primarily investigating the outcomes between core decompression, washing effect, and different tissue sources of MSCs. Younger patients (<30 years) demonstrated significantly better repair volumes, particularly in stage II lesions, than older counterparts. Additionally, bone repair volume increased with the number of implanted MSCs up to 1,000,000, beyond which no additional benefits were observed. No significant difference was observed in repair outcomes between different sources of MSCs (BMAC, allogenic, or expanded cells). The study also highlighted that a ‘washing effect’ was beneficial, particularly for larger-volume osteonecrosis when combined with core decompression. Partial bone repair was the more frequent event observed, while total bone repair of osteonecrosis was rare. The volume and stage of osteonecrosis, alongside the number of injected cells, significantly affected treatment outcomes. In summary, this study provides comprehensive insights into the effectiveness and variables influencing the use of mesenchymal stem cells in treating human hip osteonecrosis. It emphasizes the potential of cell therapy while acknowledging the complexity and variability of results based on factors such as age, cell count, and disease stage.









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