Sideritis scardica Extracts Demonstrate Neuroprotective Activity against Aβ25–35 Toxicity


Ververis Antonis1ORCID,Ioannou Kristia1,Kyriakou Sotiris2ORCID,Violaki Niki3,Panayiotidis Mihalis I.2ORCID,Plioukas Michael3ORCID,Christodoulou Kyproula1ORCID


1. Neurogenetics Department, The Cyprus Institute of Neurology and Genetics, Nicosia 2371, Cyprus

2. Department of Cancer Genetics, Therapeutics & Ultrastructural Pathology, The Cyprus Institute of Neurology & Genetics, Nicosia 2371, Cyprus

3. Department of Life and Health Sciences, School of Sciences and Engineering, University of Nicosia, Nicosia 2417, Cyprus


Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is the most prevalent neurodegenerative condition, primarily affecting seniors. Despite the significant time and money spent over the past few decades, no therapy has been developed yet. In recent years, the research has focused on ameliorating the cytotoxic amyloid beta (Aβ) peptide aggregates and the increased elevated oxidative stress, two interconnected main AD hallmarks. Medicinal plants constitute a large pool for identifying bioactive compounds or mixtures with a therapeutic effect. Sideritis scardica (SS) has been previously characterized as neuroprotective toward AD. We investigated this ability of SS by generating eight distinct solvent fractions, which were chemically characterized and assessed for their antioxidant and neuroprotective potential. The majority of the fractions were rich in phenolics and flavonoids, and all except one showed significant antioxidant activity. Additionally, four SS extracts partly rescued the viability in Aβ25–35-treated SH-SY5Y human neuroblastoma cells, with the initial aqueous extract being the most potent and demonstrating similar activity in retinoic-acid-differentiated cells as well. These extracts were rich in neuroprotective substances, such as apigenin, myricetin-3-galactoside, and ellagic acid. Our findings indicate that specific SS mixtures can benefit the pharmaceutical industry to develop herbal drugs and functional food products that may alleviate AD.


Cyprus Institute of Neurology & Genetics




Plant Science,Ecology,Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics

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