The Effect of Inorganic Nitrogen Fertilizers on the Quality of Forage Composed of Various Species of Legumes in the Northern Part of a Temperate Climate Zone


Šidlauskaitė Gintarė1,Kadžiulienė Žydrė1


1. Institute of Agriculture, Lithuanian Research Centre for Agriculture and Forestry, Instituto al. 1, 58344 Akademija, Lithuania


This study focuses on the effect of inorganic nitrogen fertilizers on the quality of perennial grasses. Both grasses and legumes are important in swards, and each type of grass has different biological and ecological properties. Legumes in multi-species swards, especially in their early ages, benefit other Poaceae grasses by improving their growth. When evaluating individual cuts over a three-year period, it was determined that the quality indicators of the forage were significantly influenced by the year of use, N fertilizer application, and the different species compositions of the swards. In many cases, N fertilizers significantly reduced the CP content while tending to increase MADF and NDF. Monoculture grass swards had the highest WSC content; in most cases, N fertilizers increased the WSC content in the forage. DMD was the lowest in the first year of use, specifically in the first cut. Our three-year experiment, which investigated twelve swards with different species compositions, demonstrated that legume grasses improved the quality indicators of forage and contributed to maintaining a more stable overall forage yield over the years. As the climate continues to become warmer, there is a growing need to study a wide range of plant species and different varieties suitable for local growth conditions.




Plant Science,Ecology,Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics







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