Modeling the Impact of Agricultural Mitigation Measures on the Spread of Sharka Disease in Sweet Cherry Orchards


Gutiérrez-Jara Juan Pablo1ORCID,Vogt-Geisse Katia2ORCID,Correa Margarita C. G.1ORCID,Vilches-Ponce Karina3ORCID,Pérez Laura M.4ORCID,Chowell Gerardo5ORCID


1. Centro de Investigación de Estudios Avanzados del Maule (CIEAM), Vicerrectoría de Investigación y Postgrado, Universidad Católica del Maule, Talca 3480112, Chile

2. Facultad de Ingeniería y Ciencias, Unidad Adolfo Ibáñez, Diagonal Las Torres 2640, Peñalolén, Santiago 7941169, Chile

3. Facultad de Ciencias Básicas, Universidad Católica del Maule, Avenida San Miguel 3605, Talca 3480112, Chile

4. Departamento de Física, Universidad de Tarapacá, Casilla 7D, Arica 1000000, Chile

5. School of Public Health, Georgia State University, Atlanta, GA 30303, USA


Sharka is a disease affecting stone fruit trees. It is caused by the Plum pox virus (PPV), with Myzus persicae being one of the most efficient aphid species in transmitting it within and among Prunus orchards. Other agricultural management strategies are also responsible for the spread of disease among trees, such as grafting and pruning. We present a mathematical model of impulsive differential equations to represent the dynamics of Sharka disease in the tree and vector population. We consider three transmission routes: grafting, pruning, and through aphid vectors. Grafting, pruning, and vector control occur as pulses at specific instants. Within the model, human risk perception towards disease influences these agricultural management strategies. Model results show that grafting with infected biological material has a significant impact on the spread of the disease. In addition, detecting infectious symptomatic and asymptomatic trees in the short term is critical to reduce disease spread. Furthermore, vector control to prevent aphid movement between trees is crucial for disease mitigation, as well as implementing awareness campaigns for Sharka disease in agricultural communities that provide a long-term impact on responsible pruning, grafting, and vector control.




Plant Science,Ecology,Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics

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