Digital Standardization of Lean Manufacturing Tools According to Industry 4.0 Concept


Medyński Daniel1ORCID,Bonarski Piotr12,Motyka Piotr1,Wysoczański Adam123,Gnitecka Renata14,Kolbusz Krzysztof1,Dąbrowska Magdalena1,Burduk Anna5ORCID,Pawelec Zdzisław1,Machado José6ORCID


1. Department of Production Engineering and Logistics, Faculty of Technical and Economic Sciences, Witelon Collegium State University, Sejmowa 5A, 59-220 Legnica, Poland

2. Technonicol-Insulation (Currently Boerner Insulation), Wyzwolenia 55, Wykroty, 59-730 Nowogrodziec, Poland

3. Industrial Support, Sejmowa 5A, 59-220 Legnica, Poland

4. Institute of Technology and Innovation, Witelon Collegium State University, Sejmowa 5A, 59-220 Legnica, Poland

5. Department of Laser Technologies, Automatization and Product Organization, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Wroclaw University of Science and Technology, Wybrzeże Wyspiańskiego 27, 50-370 Wroclaw, Poland

6. MEtRICs Research Centre, School of Engineering, University of Minho, Campus of Azurém, 4800-058 Guimarães, Portugal


Standardization is a key element in the effective use of lean manufacturing methodologies and tools for achieving process sustainability. Their combination is conducive to eliminating waste and improving the efficiency of production processes and guarantees the company that employees use the most efficient tools and do not waste time on unnecessary activities. These activities can be further improved by using digital solutions, in accordance with the concept of Industry 4.0. Therefore, the authors have developed the e-Lean system, whose task is to digitize selected lean manufacturing tools. The subject of this work is analysis of the functionality and effectiveness of the essential part of the e-Lean system in the form of specialized TPM (Total Productive Maintenance) software as an application. During implementation in a construction production company, the TPM application was tested by lean manufacturing and maintenance specialists. The research consisted of assessing the functionality and efficiency of processes in relation to conventional TPM solutions. Additional functionalities of the e-Lean system have been confirmed, such as systemic approval of machinery inspection, which requires passing all necessary steps at individual inspection points, direct access for supervisors to the results of inspection activities and their status, direct and easy access to photographic documentation of machines added during inspection both in optimization of working time and its course (e.g., the optimal number of steps taken by the employee during the inspection), as well as an efficient system of motivating employees (collecting points). The improvement in the effectiveness of processes was determined by measuring the control times for three control points (polymerization furnace, packing area, and defibering machines). The average control time was reduced from 16,200 to 13,923 s. Thus, thanks to the use of the application, it was found that the efficiency of using the TPM tool was increased by approx. 15% compared to previously used non-digital solutions.


Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia




Fluid Flow and Transfer Processes,Computer Science Applications,Process Chemistry and Technology,General Engineering,Instrumentation,General Materials Science

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