1. CABI Switzerland, 2800 Delemont, Switzerland
2. Institute of Agricultural Science ISABU, Bujumbura P.O. Box 795, Burundi
3. Faculty of Agriculture FABI, University of Burundi, Bujumbura P.O. Box 2700, Burundi
4. Department of Plant Protection DPV, Ministry of the Environment, Agriculture and Livestock MINEAGRIE, Gitega P.O. Box 161, Burundi
5. Provincial Agriculture and Livestock Bureaux BPEAE, DGMAVAE, Ministry of the Environment, Agriculture and Livestock MINEAGRIE, Gitega P.O. Box 161, Burundi
6. Bureau d’Etudes et des Curricula de l’Enseignement Post Fondamental Technique et de la Formation Professionnelle BECEPTFP, Ministry of Education, Bujumbura P.O. Box 5132, Burundi
7. CABI Africa, Nairobi P.O. Box 633-00621, Kenya