Analysis of Ionospheric Anomalies before Earthquakes of Mw6.5 and above in Japan from 2011 to 2022


Li Zhen1,Tao Zhen1ORCID,Cao Lianhai1


1. College of Surveying and Geo-Informatics, North China University of Water Resources and Electric Power, 136 East Jinshui Road, Zhengzhou 450046, China


In this study, a TEC variation window value was selected based on the wavelet power spectrum method to analyze the seismic–ionospheric coupling relationship. In the full-time domain, a 27-day periodicity of the wavelet power spectrum was obtained that passed the 95% significance test. The sliding interquartile range method was used to analyze earthquakes above Mw6.5 in Japan from 2011 to 2022, excluding the hybrid effects between earthquakes close to one another. The sunspot number (SSN), 10.7 cm radio flux (F10.7), total solar irradiance (TSI), solar wind velocity (Vsw), geomagnetic activity index in the equatorial region (DST), and global geomagnetic activity index (KP) were used as indices representing solar and geomagnetic activity. After removing solar and geomagnetic interference from ionospheric anomaly changes using the sliding interquartile range method, the TEC anomaly changes before the earthquake were verified as being caused by the earthquake and analyzed. The statistical analysis of ionospheric total electron content (TEC) anomalies showed that earthquake magnitude was positively correlated with the amplitude of TEC anomalies but not linearly. The occurrence time of ionospheric anomalies lagged behind to some extent with the increase in earthquake magnitude. Additionally, abnormal changes on the 29th day (15 February 2022) before the 20th earthquake did not conform to previous research rules. According to the lithosphere–atmosphere–ionospheric coupling (LAIC) mechanism and global ionospheric map (GIM) studies, the TEC anomaly was consistent with the vertical projection of the epicenter with obvious regularity. The results show that these TEC anomalies may be related to earthquakes.



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