1. Institute for Astronomy, Astrophysics, Space Applications and Remote Sensing, National Observatory of Athens, 152 36 Athens, Greece
2. Physikalisch-Meteorologisches Observatorium Davos, World Radiation Center, Dorfstrasse 33, Davos, 7260 Dorf, Switzerland
3. Institute for Environmental Research and Sustainable Development, National Observatory of Athens, Palaia Penteli, 152 36 Athens, Greece
4. Research Centre for Atmospheric Physics and Climatology, Academy of Athens, 106 79 Athens, Greece
5. Laboratory of Atmospheric Physics, School of Physics, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, 541 24 Thessaloniki, Greece
6. Department of Geology and Geoenvironment, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, 115 27 Athens, Greece
7. Department of Meteorology and Climatology, School of Geology, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, 541 24 Thessaloniki, Greece
8. Hellenic Centre for Marine Research, Institute of Marine Biological Resources and Inland Waters, 46.7 km of Athens-Sounio Ave., 190 13 Anavissos, Greece
9. Department of Geography, Harokopio University of Athens, 176 76 Athens, Greece
10. School of Physics, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, 541 24 Thessaloniki, Greece
11. Department of Physics and Astronomy, Earth Observation Science Group, University of Leicester, Leicester LE1 7RH, UK
12. Department of Environmental Physics and Meteorology, Faculty of Physics, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, 115 27 Athens, Greece
13. Biomedical Research Foundation, Academy of Athens, 115 27 Athens, Greece
14. Laboratory of Meteorology, Department of Physics, University of Ioannina, 451 10 Ioannina, Greece
15. Institute of Environmental Physics (IUP), University of Bremen, 28359 Bremen, Germany
16. Center of Marine Environmental Sciences (MARUM), University of Bremen, 28359 Bremen, Germany
17. Climate and Atmosphere Research Center (CARE-C), The Cyprus Institute, Nicosia 2121, Cyprus
18. Laser Remote Sensing Unit (LRSU), Physics Department, National Technical University of Athens, 157 80 Zografou, Greece
19. Laboratory of Atmospheric Processes and Their Impacts, School of Architecture, Civil and Environmental Engineering, École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, 1003 Lausanne, Switzerland
20. Laboratory of Atmospheric Physics, Department of Physics, University of Patras, 265 00 Patras, Greece
21. Department of Environmental Engineering, Democritus University of Thrace, 671 00 Xanthi, Greece
22. Navarino Environmental Observatory (N.E.O.), 240 01 Messinia, Greece
23. Mariolopoulos-Kanaginis Foundation for the Environmental Sciences, 106 75 Athens, Greece