Lightning-Ignited Wildfires and Associated Meteorological Conditions in Western Siberia for 2016–2021


Kharyutkina Elena12ORCID,Moraru Evgeniia1,Pustovalov Konstantin12ORCID,Loginov Sergey1ORCID


1. Institute of Monitoring of Climatic and Ecological Systems, Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences, 634055 Tomsk, Russia

2. Department of Meteorology and Climatology, Faculty of Geology and Geography, National Research Tomsk State University, 634050 Tomsk, Russia


The analysis of the spatio-temporal variability of lightning-ignited wildfires and meteorological conditions preceding their occurrence from both dry lightning and lightning with precipitation in Western Siberia for the warm seasons (May–September) of 2016–2021 was carried out. In the Arctic zone, fires from lightnings occur in most cases (83%) almost without precipitation (<2.5 mm/day), whereas in the forest and steppe zones the number of cases is less (81% and 74%, respectively). The most significant changes in meteorological conditions before the ignition were also revealed in the northern part 3–4 days before. Among all considered parameters, the most important role in the occurrence of dry lightning-ignited wildfires belongs to mid-tropospheric instability, lower-tropospheric dryness, and the moisture content of the top soil and surface floor layer. Moreover, in the Arctic zone of Western Siberia, more extreme (hotter and drier) meteorological conditions should be observed for the occurrence of ignition from lightning. The threshold values for the considered meteorological parameters were derived for our region for the first time. Obtained results can be used in the development of models for potential fire hazards prediction in various landscapes, which will have a practical application in various spheres of the national economy.


Russian Science Foundation









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