Immunohistochemical Staining Characteristics of Low-Grade Invasive Ductal Carcinoma Using the ADH5 Cocktail (CK5/14, P63, and CK7/18): A Potential Interpretative Pitfall


Al-Refai Reham1,Bendari Ahmed1,Morrar Doaa1,Sham Sunder1,Kataw Layth1,Garajayev Azar2,Hajiyeva Sabina1


1. Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, Northwell Health Lenox Hill Hospital, New York, NY 10075, USA

2. Baku Health Center, Azerbaijan Medical University, Baku AZ1022, Azerbaijan


Background: In our practice, the antibody cocktail ADH5 (CK5/14, p63, and CK7/18) helps with diagnostic challenges, such as identifying microinvasion and foci of invasive carcinoma, differentiating atypical ductal hyperplasia from hyperplasia of the usual type, and distinguishing basal phenotypes in triple-negative carcinomas. However, the ADH5 cocktail does have pitfalls and caveats. Methods: We describe our experience with the ADH5 cocktail of antibodies in breast pathology. Institutional knowledge and a literature search form our data sources. Results: We analyzed 44 cases. Four out of a total of 44 cases (9.1%)—two tubular carcinomas and two low-grade invasive breast carcinomas of no special type (ductal) with tubular features—showed an expected pattern of staining for ADH5 with a loss of brown (P63, CK5/14) staining around invasive glands and diffuse red (CK7/18) expression. Forty out of 44 (90.9%) cases showed an unexpected staining pattern (mixture of cytoplasmic brown and red). All 44 cases (100%) showed negative myoepithelial staining around invasive foci when separately stained for P63 and SMMH (Smooth Muscle Myosin Heavy). Conclusions: The unexpected staining pattern of ADH5 in low-grade invasive ductal carcinomas can be challenging to interpret in these lesions with low-grade cytology. The occurrence can cause confusion among users who employ multiplex stains, and it is important for users to be aware of this potential pitfall.




Clinical Biochemistry

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