Image Guided Radiotherapy (IGRT) and Delta (Δ) Radiomics—An Urgent Alliance for the Front Line of the War against Head and Neck Cancers


Mireștean Camil Ciprian12ORCID,Iancu Roxana Irina34,Iancu Dragoș Petru Teodor56


1. Department of Oncology and Radiotherapy, University of Medicine and Pharmacy Craiova, 200349 Craiova, Romania

2. Department of Surgery, Railways Clinical Hospital Iasi, 700506 Iași, Romania

3. Oral Pathology Department, “Gr. T. Popa” Faculty of Dental Medicine, University of Medicine and Pharmacy, 700115 Iași, Romania

4. Department of Clinical Laboratory, “St. Spiridon” Emergency Universitary Hospital, 700111 Iași, Romania

5. Oncology and Radiotherapy Department, Faculty of Medicine, “Gr. T. Popa” University of Medicine and Pharmacy, 700115 Iași, Romania

6. Department of Radiation Oncology, Regional Institute of Oncology, 700483 Iași, Romania


The identification of a biomarker that is response predictive could offer a solution for the stratification of the treatment of head and neck cancers (HNC) in the context of high recurrence rates, especially those associated with loco-regional failure. Delta (Δ) radiomics, a concept based on the variation of parameters extracted from medical imaging using artificial intelligence (AI) algorithms, demonstrates its potential as a predictive biomarker of treatment response in HNC. The concept of image-guided radiotherapy (IGRT), including computer tomography simulation (CT) and position control imaging with cone-beam-computed tomography (CBCT), now offers new perspectives for radiomics applied in radiotherapy. The use of Δ features of texture, shape, and size, both from the primary tumor and from the tumor-involved lymph nodes, demonstrates the best predictive accuracy. If, in the case of treatment response, promising Δ radiomics results could be obtained, even after 24 h from the start of treatment, for radiation-induced xerostomia, the evaluation of Δ radiomics in the middle of treatment could be recommended. The fused models (clinical and Δ radiomics) seem to offer benefits, both in comparison to the clinical model and to the radiomic model. The selection of patients who benefit from induction chemotherapy is underestimated in Δ radiomic studies and may be an unexplored territory with major potential. The advantage offered by “in house” simulation CT and CBCT favors the rapid implementation of Δ radiomics studies in radiotherapy departments. Positron emission tomography (PET)-CT Δ radiomics could guide the new concepts of dose escalation on radio-resistant sub-volumes based on radiobiological criteria, but also guide the “next level” of HNC adaptive radiotherapy (ART).




Clinical Biochemistry







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