1. Department of Dermatology, Venereology and Allergology, Medical University of Gdańsk, 80-211 Gdańsk, Poland
2. Student’s Scientific Circle Practical and Experimental Dermatology, Medical University of Gdansk, 80-211 Gdańsk, Poland
Pediatric mastocytosis is mostly a cutaneous disease classified as cutaneous mastocytosis (CM), which is characterized by mast cell (MCs) accumulation in the skin and the absence of extracutaneous involvement. Based on the morphology of skin lesions, CM can be divided into three major forms: maculopapular CM (MPCM), diffuse CM (DCM) and mastocytoma of the skin. A positive Darier’s sign is pathognomonic for all forms of CM. MPCM is the most common form, presenting with red-brown macules or slightly raised papules. Mastocytoma is characterized by solitary or a maximum of three nodular or plaque lesions. DCM is a rare, severe form which presents as erythroderma, pachydermia and blistering in the infantile period of the disease. CM is associated with MC mediator-related symptoms, most commonly including pruritus, flushing, blistering, diarrhea and cramping. Anaphylactic shock occurs rarely, mainly in patients with extensive skin lesions and a significantly elevated serum tryptase level. Childhood-onset MPCM and mastocytoma are usually benign diseases, associated with a tendency for spontaneous regression, while DCM is associated with severe mediator-related symptoms, an increased risk of anaphylaxis and, in some cases, underlying systemic mastocytosis (SM). In contrast to adults, SM is a rare finding in children, most commonly presenting as indolent SM. However, advanced SM sporadically occurs.