The Performance of Pulmonary Function Tests in Predicting Systemic Sclerosis—Interstitial Lung Disease in the European Scleroderma Trial and Research Database


Lepri Gemma1,Bruni Cosimo12ORCID,Tofani Lorenzo1ORCID,Moggi-Pignone Alberto3,Orlandi Martina1ORCID,Tomassetti Sara4,Hughes Michael5,Del Galdo Francesco6ORCID,Irace Rosaria7,Distler Oliver2,Riccieri Valeria8,Allanore Yannick9,Gheorghiu Ana Maria10ORCID,Siegert Elise11ORCID,De Vries-Bouwstra Jeska12,Hachulla Eric13,Tikly Mohammed14,Damjanov Nemanja15,Spertini Francois16,Mouthon Luc17,Hoffmann-Vold Anna-Maria18,Gabrielli Armando19,Guiducci Serena1,Matucci-Cerinic Marco120,Furst Daniel121,Bellando-Randone Silvia1,


1. Division of Rheumatology, AOU Careggi, University of Florence, 50121 Florence, Italy

2. Department of Rheumatology, University Hospital Zurich, University of Zurich, 8006 Zurich, Switzerland

3. Division of Internal Medicine, AOU Careggi, University of Florence, 50121 Florence, Italy

4. Interventional Pulmonology Unit, AOU Careggi, University of Florence, 50121 Florence, Italy

5. Department of Rheumatology, Sheffield Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, Royal Hallamshire Hospital, Sheffield S10 2JF, UK

6. Raynaud’s and Scleroderma Programme, NIHR Biomedical Research Centre and Leeds Institute of Rheumatic and Musculoskeletal Medicine, University of Leeds, Leeds LS2 9JT, UK

7. Rheumatology Unit, Department of Precision Medicine, University of Campania “Luigi Vanvitelli”, 81100 Naples, Italy

8. Rheumatology Unit, “Sapienza” University, 00185 Rome, Italy

9. Rheumatology Department, Hopital Cochin, University of Paris, 75019 Paris, France

10. Internal Medicine & Rheumatology Department, Cantacuzino Hospital, Carol Davila University of Medicine and Pharmacy, 050474 Bucharest, Romania

11. Rheumatology, Charite University Hospital, 10117 Berlin, Germany

12. Department of Rheumatology, Leiden University Medical Center, 2333 ZA Leiden, The Netherlands

13. Service de Médecine Interne, Centre Hospitalier Universitaire, 59000 Lille, France

14. Department of Internal Medicine, Division of Rheumatology, Chris Hani Baragwanath Academic Hospital, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg 1864, South Africa

15. Institute of Rheumatology, University Belgrade Medical School, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia

16. Service Immunologie et Allergie, CHUV, 1005 Lausanne, Switzerland

17. National Referral Center for Rare Systemic Autoimmune Diseases, Hôpital Cochin, University Paris Descartes, 75006 Paris, France

18. Department of Rheumatology, Oslo University Hospital, 0372 Oslo, Norway

19. Department of Clinical and Molecular Science, Università Politecninca delle Marche, 60121 Ancona, Italy

20. Unit of Immunology, Rheumatology, Allergy and Rare Diseases (UnIRAR), IRCCS San Raffaele Hospital, 20132 Milan, Italy

21. Division of Rheumatology, University California Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA 90095, USA


Background and Objectives: In SSc, ILD is a major cause of morbidity and mortality. We aimed to investigate the performance of DLCO (diffusing capacity of lung carbon monoxide) and FVC (forced vital capacity) delta change (Δ) and baseline values in predicting the development of SSc-ILD. Methods: Longitudinal data of DLCO, FVC, and ILD on the HRCT of SSc patients from the EUSTAR database were evaluated at baseline (t0) and after 12 (±4) (t1) and 24 (±4) (t2) months. Results: 474/17805 patients were eligible for the study (403 females); 46 (9.7%) developed ILD at t2. Positivity for anti-topoisomerase antibodies (117 patients) showed an association with ILD development at t2 (p = 0.0031). Neither the mean t0 to t1 change (Δ) of DLCO nor the mean t0 to t1 FVCΔ predicted the appearance of ILD at t2. Investigating the possible role of baseline DLCO and FVC values in predicting ILD appearance after 24 (±4) months, we observed a moderate predictive capability of t0 DLCO < 80%, stronger than that of FVC < 80%. Conclusions: We suggest that an impaired baseline DLCO may be predictive of the appearance of ILD after 2 years of follow-up. This result advances the hypothesis that a reduction in gas exchange may be considered an early sign of lung involvement. However, further rigorous studies are warranted to understand the predictive role of DLCO evaluation in the course of SSc.




Clinical Biochemistry







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