Remote Sensing for Mapping Natura 2000 Habitats in the Brière Marshes: Setting Up a Long-Term Monitoring Strategy to Understand Changes


Lafitte Thomas12ORCID,Robin Marc1,Launeau Patrick2ORCID,Debaine Françoise1


1. Littoral Environnement Télédétection Géomatique, UMR CNRS 6554, Université de Nantes, Campus Tertre, 44312 Nantes, France

2. Laboratoire de Planétologie et Géosciences, UMR CNRS 6112, Université de Nantes, 2 Rue de la Houssinière, 44322 Nantes, France


On a global scale, wetlands are suffering from a steady decline in surface area and environmental quality. Protecting them is essential and requires a careful spatialisation of their natural habitats. Traditionally, in our study area, species discrimination for floristic mapping has been achieved through on-site field inventories, but this approach is very time-consuming in these difficult-to-access environments. Usually, the resulting maps are also not spatially exhaustive and are not frequently updated. In this paper, we propose to establish a complete map of the study area using remote sensors and set up a long-term and regular observatory of environmental changes to monitor the evolution of a major French wetland. This methodology combines three dataset acquisition technologies, airborne hyperspectral and WorldView-3 multispectral images, supplemented by LiDAR images, which we compared to evaluate the difference in performances. To do so, we applied the Random Forest supervised classification methods using ground reference areas and compared the out-of-bag score (OOB score) as well as the matrix of confusion resulting from each dataset. Thirteen habitats were discriminated at level 4 of the European Nature Information System (EUNIS) typology, at a spatial resolution of around 1.2 m. We first show that a multispectral image with 19 variables produces results which are almost as good as those produced by a hyperspectral image with 58 variables. The experiment with different features also demonstrates that the use of four bands derived from LiDAR datasets can improve the quality of the classification. Invasive alien species Ludwigia grandiflora and Crassula helmsii were also detected without error which is very interesting when applied to these endangered environments. Therefore, since WV-3 images provide very good results and are easier to acquire than airborne hyperspectral data, we propose to use them going forward for the regular observation of the Brière marshes habitat we initiated.



Region Pays de la Loire

Region Bretagne with the European Regional Development Fund

RI6 Mer-Environnement-ville et territoire, opération: Suivi et Surveillance de l’Environnement en Pays de la Loire



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