Experience of Documentation for the Accessibility of Widespread Cultural Heritage


Parrinello Sandro,Dell’Amico Anna


The will to preserve and enhance cultural heritage imposes reflections on databases as containers of information for the accessibility of dispersed heritage. The aim of the research is to validate methodological approaches in order to create 3D models and information systems. These tools improve accessibility to the artifact, according to different interconnection channels, in order to overcome the physical limit imposed by location. Tangible and intangible heritage take the form of a metadata network throughout a critical analysis and elaboration of data. These files create a complex database containing 3D models rich in information that describe cultural systems. The digital survey is the starting point for the development of languages, signs and symbols. It transfers complex objects into virtual systems, developing a multidimensional dialogue capable of integrating actions and meanings. The interactivity of complex databases facilitates the accessibility and disclosure of data to a wide audience. It requires the establishment of representation systems based on the development of virtual environments.




Materials Science (miscellaneous),Archeology,Conservation

Reference11 articles.

1. Mondi Virtuali:Benvenuti nel Futuro Dell’umanità;Mario,2006

2. Oxymorons of the virtual museum. Experimentaton through the representation;Palestini;DISEGNARECON,2016

3. Ricostruire nel Virtuale e nel Reale, Esperienze tra Musei e Divulgazione;Verdiani,2016

4. Comunicato Del Ministero Degli Affari Esteri Del 25 Febbraio 2009. L’italia per L’IRAQ-la Riapertura del Museo di Baghdad http://www.beniculturali.it/mibac/export/MiBAC/sito-MiBAC/Contenuti/Ministero/UfficioStampa/ComunicatiStampa/visualizza_asset.html_1509809224.html

5. Data Acquisition for geometric Documentation of Cultural Heritage;Georgopoulos,2017

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