Sustainability Indicators for Materials and Processes


Trucillo Paolo1ORCID,Erto Alessandro1ORCID


1. Department of Chemical, Materials and Industrial Production Engineering, University of Naples Federico II, Piazzale V. Tecchio, 80, 80125 Naples, Italy


The concept of sustainability is nowadays employed to compare manufacturing processes or to define the correct path for material selection. Sometimes, this concept is only partially defined, including just low costs, profit maximization and/or CO2 emission reduction. Actually, a process or material can be defined as sustainable only if an objective function related to the economic, environmental and social impacts is simultaneously maximized. To this aim, it is necessary to define appropriate and specific sustainability indicators (i.e., values related to the economic, social and environmental aspects of a process or material under analysis). These indicators come about from simple calculations, and they are defined in terms of percentages and represented and compared using radar diagrams. Then, a process or specific material is identified by an objective function (i.e., the area included by the polygon that links the scores reported on the diagram). The scope of this representation of data is to individuate the major weaknesses of the process/material, proposing methods of optimization and trying to maximize the objective function in the retrieved diagram. This work aims to propose a general and simple method to calculate sustainability indicators on the basis of specific definitions related to a given process/material. To highlight the potential of this calculation and comparison instrument, two case studies are proposed: the first aims at comparing processes for the production of energy, while the second aims at driving the choice of manufacturing material. The selected indicators and adopted algorithm allowed for the identification of hydroelectric and eolic as the most sustainable processes for energy production; for materials, the results strictly depended on the assumptions made regarding favorable mechanical properties.




Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law,Renewable Energy, Sustainability and the Environment,Geography, Planning and Development,Building and Construction

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