Bat Rhinacoviruses Related to Swine Acute Diarrhoea Syndrome Coronavirus Evolve under Strong Host and Geographic Constraints in China and Vietnam


Hassanin Alexandre1ORCID,Tu Vuong Tan2,Pham Phu Van2,Ngon Lam Quang2,Chabane Thanina1,Moulin Laurent3,Wurtzer Sébastien3ORCID


1. Institut de Systématique, Évolution, Biodiversité (ISYEB), SU, MNHN, CNRS, EPHE, UA, Sorbonne Université, 75005 Paris, France

2. Institute of Ecology and Biological Resources, Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology, No. 18, Hoang Quoc Viet Road, Cau Giay District, Hanoi 10072, Vietnam

3. Eau de Paris, R&D Laboratory, Direction Recherche, Développement et Qualité de l’Eau, 94200 Ivry-sur-Seine, France


Swine acute diarrhoea syndrome coronavirus (SADS-CoV; Coronaviridae, Rhinacovirus) was detected in 2017 in Guangdong Province (China), where it caused high mortality rates in piglets. According to previous studies, SADS-CoV evolved from horseshoe bat reservoirs. Here, we report the first five Rhinacovirus genomes sequenced in horseshoe bats from Vietnam and their comparisons with data published in China. Our phylogenetic analyses provided evidence for four groups: rhinacoviruses from Rhinolphus pusillus bats, including one from Vietnam; bat rhinacoviruses from Hainan; bat rhinacoviruses from Yunnan showing a divergent synonymous nucleotide composition; and SADS-CoV and related bat viruses, including four rhinacoviruses from Vietnam sampled in Rhinolophus affinis and Rhinolophus thomasi. Our phylogeographic analyses showed that bat rhinacoviruses from Dien Bien (Vietnam) share more affinities with those from Yunnan (China) and that the ancestor of SADS-CoVs arose in Rhinolophus affinis circulating in Guangdong. We detected sequencing errors and artificial chimeric genomes in published data. The two SADS-CoV genomes previously identified as recombinant could also be problematic. The reliable data currently available, therefore, suggests that all SADS-CoV strains originate from a single bat source and that the virus has been spreading in pig farms in several provinces of China for at least seven years since the first outbreak in August 2016.



Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology



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